Things students can do to help maintain their instruments

Are you or your child a brand-new owner of a brass or woodwind instrument? Below are some tips for beginners on maintaining your instruments, direct from our repair specialists. Got a bigger problem? Give us a call!

– Woodwind players should always swab their instruments out after playing. Excess moisture will cause the pads to deteriorate.

– Brass players should oil their valves/slide (if using slide oil for trombones) at the beginning of their playing day whenever they play their instrument. Not only does the oil help keep the parts moving freely, but it also helps keep the bearing surfaces clean by wicking away dirt and grime.

– Clarinet and saxophone players should use cork grease sparingly, as too much grease will break down the cork. Adding a little bit of cork grease once a month should be sufficient.

– Brass players should move their tuning slides every time they play and reapply tuning slide grease once a month. This will prevent stuck tuning slides.

– Beginning players should not take their instruments apart to clean them.

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